Courses  >  


Entry Criteria:     All Masters & Chief Officers (with a Master’s License)

Course Schedule:  

From DateTo DateLocation 
28-08-202430-08-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply
23-09-202425-09-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply

Duration (Theory Only) :     3 Days

Course Description

This is a course mainly for new Masters and senior chief mates designed to polish their acumen of the ships, senior staff, in dealing with day to day practical shipboard problems.

It helps to focus on shipboard interaction and exchange of information with charterers, stevedores, sub-charterers, shippers, receivers, stevedores, agents and owners.

It clarifies the legal standing in various clauses of acts, codes, contracts and charter party.

It provides guidance on methods and procedures to follow to protect the owner's interest in various operational situations and the evidence and documentation that must be collected and recorded.

Feedback received from shipmasters and instances of casualties are specially used as illustrative case studies.

Please find below the list of documents required to get on the first day of the classroom course.
  1. 2 passport size photographs,
  2. Copies of Passport, CDC, COC & INDOS No.