 Courses >

| Deck Cadet Mid-term Training
Entry Criteria: Deck Cadets
Course Duration: 15 days

Course Description
The course imparts training to cadets who have sailed onboard vessel for at least 6 months so that they have a better understanding of the practical aspects and job responsibilities of a junior officer. This course imparts knowledge and practice on the safety and operational aspects from the viewpoint of a junior officer and also builds on the work ethics and etiquettes to be followed when on board. Navigation and Bridge Watchkeeping is given greater emphasis through the practical application using numerous exercises.
Contents of the course
- COLREGS and IALA Buoyage system and their application.
- Practical seamanship and Maintenance onboard ships.
- Radar Plotting.
- Bridge watchkeeping and position plotting techniques on ship simulator.
- Chart work, Passage Planning, chart and publication correction and tide calculation.
- Practical Navigation, sight calculation and using a sextant.
- Stability, Draft reading and cargo watch keeping.
- Mooring practices.
- Work Ethics.
- Etiquette, decorum, discipline on board.
- Code of Safe Working Practices.
- LSA - FFA Maintenance.
- Occupational Hazards and Safety precautions for various types of tasks and shipboard operations.
- Handling of hand tools, power tools, manual lifting.
- Permit-to-work systems.
- Safety in mooring operations.
- Engine Room machinery/basics.
- Project work - PPT's made by Cadets on various marine topics.
- Exercises and practicals carried out in the workshop and machinery space area.
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| | Please find below the list of documents required to get on the first day of the classroom course.- 2 passport size photographs,
- Copies of Passport, CDC, COC & INDOS No.