Courses  >  

Gas Tanker Safety

Entry Criteria:     Deck and Engineer Officers who have sailed on gas tankers

Course Schedule:  

From DateTo DateLocation 
30-07-202430-07-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply

Duration (Theory Only) :     1 day

Course Description

The purpose of the course is to refresh and upgrade the knowledge of the ships officers in the safe carriage of LPG and other gas cargoes, hazards involved and precautions and safe working practices to adopt.

The endeavor is also to enhance the capabilities of shipboard personnel who sail on specialized carriers such as a gas tanker. It is not the intention 
of the course to compartmentalize the trainee’s way of thinking in terms of gas tanker operation. The idea is to make him / her aware of the specialization of operations specific to a gas tanker and sensitize him/her towards hazards associated with carriage of various hazardous gases and the likely situations that s/he will face on such a vessel.

This course is for Deck and Engineer Officers onboard gas tankers for the Operational and management level.

Contents of the course 
  • Types of LPG ship containment systems
  • Preparation of cargo tanks for Loading, change of grade / gas freeing
  • Hazards, Safety precautions and Case Studies
  • MSDS (Ethylene & Ammonia), Systemic effect
  • Mollier’s Diagram
  • IGC Code, Precautions with Ethylene / Ammonia / VCM
  • Fire Fighting System
  • Change over the procedure from Butane to Propane & Vice-versa
  • Limitations of Gas instruments

Please find below the list of documents required to get on the first day of the classroom course.
  1. 2 passport size photographs,
  2. Copies of Passport, CDC, COC & INDOS No.