Courses  >  

High Voltage - Operational Level [UK MCA]

UK MCA Approved

Entry Criteria:     Operational Level Engineers and Trainee Electrical Officers

Course Duration:     1 Day

Course Description

To give seafarers, the essential education and training in high voltage installations to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements set out in specific part of the lable A-III/I of STCW.

 Course Objectives

  • Understand various protections of high voltage installations onboard a vessel.
  • Able to appreciate various safety requirements necessary for high voltage installations.

Course Contents
  • The need for, high voltage safety rules and procedures on board ships.
  • Legislation and guidance pertaining to marine high voltage systems and how to apply it.
  • Electrical hazards associated with high voltage systems e.g. electrical shock, arc and blast.


Please find below the list of documents required to get on the first day of the classroom course.
  1. 2 passport size photographs,
  2. Copies of Passport, CDC, COC & INDOS No.